This site is intended to provide detailed and updated information about IceCube-Gen2, the future extension of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
As of September 2022, IceCube-Gen2 has developed its scientific vision and outlined the design of the different detectors of this new facility, which could start construction within the next decade at the National Science Foundation´s Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.
We are currently advancing the technical specifications of the in-ice, surface, and radio arrays that will expand the current observatory while gathering feedback and support from the international community, especially from the areas of multimessenger astronomy and particle physics.
For inquiries about graphics, images, and interviews, please contact press@icecube.wisc.edu. For urgent inquiries, please call 608-515-3831.
You can also contact the scientific team leading this project by writing to icecube-gen2@icecube.wisc.edu.
Download this two-page summary of the project here.
For more detailed information, please check other sections of this site.